Privacy Policy
FifthWheel was founded by a group of students and alumni from Georgia Tech to help people connect with others using innovative technology. By leveraging Nobel Prize-winning algorithms, advanced machine learning techniques, and modern psychology practices, FifthWheel aims to find the perfect match for you or your group. If the match isn’t right, you can always try again in the next round. All we require is 5-10 minutes to fill out our short questionnaire.
This policy document explains how we use and store your responses to find your perfect match. Participation in FifthWheel is entirely voluntary, and you should never feel pressured to complete the survey. If you wish to delete your responses at any time, please email us at hello@fifthwheel.biz or text us at 262-271-5339. Your data will never be sold or shared with external sources. Now, let's dive into the details.
Access to Data
Our process is almost entirely automated. Once responses from our tally form are downloaded as a CSV file, our computer algorithms take over to generate matches. Due to this automated nature, there is minimal need for our programmers to view the actual responses. Only our co-founders (Sugju Choi, Michael Klikushin, and Harsha Gaddipati) have access to the actual responses. If you wish to know their identities, please email us at hello@fifthwheel.biz for their contact information. While we aim to have no human access to unencrypted responses, current technological limitations necessitate at least one person to see the responses. Data handlers are restricted from checking specific answers outside the identity verification and notification sections.
Checking Identity
We have real humans review responses to ensure all FifthWheel participants submit forms in good faith. If we detect submissions that seem to be jokes or illegitimate, we remove them and issue email warnings to the individuals. This check is not rigorous, so if someone fills out the form on your behalf, it may go undetected depending on their effort. However, this layer of security helps filter out insincere responses. We may verify you Instagram or LinkedIn as well, depending on what version of FifthWheel is available in your location.
Making Your Match
Once responses are filtered, the data handler processes them through our "highly super-duper top secret algorithms" to find the best possible matches. We then use a second algorithm to determine the perfect locations or events for matches to meet based on their responses. From there we do send some anonymized information of your responses to an LLM (currently Open AI’s API, to view Open AI’s privacy policies visit here) to write out some of the text found in the match email.
Sending Out Matches
After the computer processes the matches, we generate a list including contact information, such as email and, if provided, phone numbers. We use Twilio's SendGrid API to send out automated match emails. To learn more about Twilio’s privacy practices, visit here. The day after matches are generated, we send a text to the registered phone number, alerting you that your match email has been sent.
Other Notifications
Through our survey provider, Tally (view their privacy policy here), we can track when someone has partially filled out our form. If you agree to our privacy policy, we may contact you as a reminder to complete the form a few days after your last visit. We do not use your information if you do not submit the form.
Occasionally, to gather feedback on FifthWheel and identify areas for improvement, we may contact those who agreed to provide feedback via text or email. If you wish to be removed from this list at any time, email us at hello@fifthwheel.biz.
Opting Out
If at any point you would like to opt out of FifthWheel and have your information deleted, please email us at hello@fifthwheel.biz.